5 Signs You Need a Roof Inspection in Canton Michigan

Having a problem with your roof can put your entire home at risk of damage. What may start as a small roof leak can quickly develop into a huge problem. When water starts to enter your home from a roof leak it can damage all sorts of components in the home. Not only that but it can also lead to mold growth, decrease the energy efficiency of the home, and more. Getting a qualified roofer to do roof repair Canton Michigan on your home is crucial to ensure your home continues to protect you and your family against weather and other elements.

5 Signs You Need a Roof Inspection in Canton Michigan

Many times a roof leak will start out very small and not noticeable unless you really look for it. It may start with a small stain on your ceiling or it may not even be noticed at all. There are some signs that will usually show up however if you have a roofing problem on your home. We’ve included some of the signs below that your home may have a roofing problem. If you notice any of the following signs be sure to have a qualified roofing contractor in Canton Michigan come out and do a roof inspection on your home to determine if it needs any roof repair or roof replacement.

5 Signs You Need a Roof Inspection in Canton Michigan

Shingle Problems Including Missing Shingles

One thing that is apparent even from the ground level when you have a roofing problem is missing shingles from the home. Typically, after a storm passes through many home may have damage to the roof due to high winds. Wind can get under shingles and cause them to break away from the roof which exposes the roof under layment. Over time a roof leak will likely develop there although it may not be immediate. If you notice any missing or damaged shingles on your home be sure to get a roof inspection and repairs to the damaged shingles as soon as possible.

Ever Increasing Energy Bills

Has your energy bill start to go up month over month? One cause may be the roof on your home. When a roof leak starts it can allow water to saturate the insulation in your home. When the insulation gets saturated like that it can decrease the energy efficiency of your home dramatically. If you have increased energy bills be sure to have your roof checked.

Water Damage Inside the Home

Sometimes a roof leak can show on the interior of the home. They will usually start by a brownish stain on the ceiling. Also the roof leak may also cause the ceilings to be moist as well. Over time if the roof leak is bad enough the weight of the water may even cause parts of the ceiling to collapse and drywall will fall down. Water will make the drywall weigh more and could fall due to the added weight of the water.

Curling Shingles on the Roof

As the roof on your home gets older it will start to fail. Many times the roofing warranty will give you the life of the roofing. If the roof on your home is out of warranty or close to being out of warranty you may notice the shingles starting to curl and buckle. This process will make the roof more easily damaged during storms and times of high winds. When the roofing starts to curl like this it usually requires a full roof replacement to be done on the home.

Mold or Algae Growth

Another problem is algae growing on the roof. If you notice a green algae on your roof then be sure to get it inspected. Another common problem for roofs that are leaking is mold growing in the home. A roof leak can allow moisture to remain in the home’s attic and walls if it goes without being treated. Mold will need to be removed if it is present in your home.

Always Use a Qualified Contractor for Roof Inspections

If you notice any problems on the roof of your home be sure to call a qualified roofing contractor to make a roof inspection on your home. One of the best roofing contractors in Canton Michigan is All Point Construction. Call them today at 734-407-7110 to get your roof inspected today.

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