Common Signs You Need a Roof Replacement in Plymouth Michigan Soon

Are you concerned about the roof on your home and whether it will be able to keep protecting your home in the event of bad weather? Usually before a roof needs to be completely replaced there are signs which can be noticed. Sometimes these signs are obvious and sometimes not. But in either case, if your home has any of these signs of problems it’s best to hire a roof contractor in Plymouth Michigan to repair or replace the roof if needed.

Common Signs You Need a Roof Replacement in Plymouth Michigan Soon

Roofing materials today can last a long time. In fact, even lower quality materials such as three tab shingles can last for more than 15 years. Some of the higher quality roofing materials that are available can last more than 40 years. Plus, they have a warranty attached so that if it does fail in less time you’re covered. Unfortunately, there are many different factors that will go into the longevity of a roofing system. Climate, maintenance, and weather are huge factors that you don’t have much control over. The best thing you can do for your roof however to help it last longer is to routinely inspect the roof and look for problems.

Plymouth Michigan Roof Repair

When you look for problems on your home’s roof it’s always best to note any changes that you may see. Taking your cell phone and snapping a picture can help to determine if things are changing as well. Most inspections by home owners should be done from the ground level and without going on to the roof. Climbing on your roof is dangerous and you may damage the roofing simply by walking on it wrong. With that being said, here are some signs you should look for when inspecting your home’s roof:

Damaged Shingles from a Storm

Storms can cause all sorts of problems for a shingle roof. One of the biggest problems with storms is high winds. Wind can bend shingles back and cause them to break. Sometimes they fall back down into place and sometimes they are simply blown off the roof. You may even find bits and pieces of shingles in your yard. If you do, make sure to examine the color and design to help determine if it came from your roof. It can be from a neighbors home as well. You’ll also want to look at your roof for these missing spots of shingles. Depending on the underlayment it may be very obvious.

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Hail Damage to Your Roof

Another big problem with weather is hail stones falling on the roof. There really isn’t anything you can actually do about hail stones falling on the roof. When this type of storm is present it can make small holes in the roofing materials which can form into a roof leak. They may be hard to see but it’s likely they will be widespread. If your home has widespread hail damage then it’s usually the best idea to get a full roof replacement on your home. There are roofing materials available which can withstand hail damage known as impact resistant shingles.

Curling Shingles on the Roof

Another huge problem when it comes to asphalt shingle roofing is that it starts to break down as it ages. The older the roof becomes the more easily it is damaged by storms and other events. Typically when the roof starts to age it will start to look as if it’s peeling away from the roofing surface. Especially on the edges and corners of the shingles. The shingles will start to turn away from the roof and lift into the air. When this occurs, it’s time for a new roof.

Get the Roof Inspected by a Qualified Roofer in Plymouth Michigan

The best way to determine what condition your roof is in and whether or not it should be replaced can be determined by a roof inspection. A professional roofer can come to your home and inspect your roof for problems. Make sure you only use a qualified roofing contractor such as Home Pros Plymouth. Give them a call today at 734-548-9911 for a free quote on repairs or replacement of your home’s roof as well as schedule a roof inspection on your home to determine exactly what is needed.

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