Expert Hints for Shingle Roofing Installation Plymouth MI.

Recently, most homeowners in the state have preferred using asphalt shingles for their roofing systems. Here are some expert hints for shingle roofing installation Plymouth MI. Only professional roofing contractors near me should handle roofing projects. However, it is still profitable to understand some basic roofing skills offered by top roofing manufacturers and pros in the industry.


Must-Follow Hints for Roofing Installation Plymouth MI.


These are proper guidelines for asphalt shingles installation in the state. Following these hints, make a durable shingle roofing installation.

1. Finish One Shingle Bundle at A Time

Ensure to use up one shingle bundle simultaneously though the colors may differ. However, by using one shingle bundle at a time, you will not make the mistake of having different colors within the same section. It is better to buy the asphalt shingles roofing material from the same manufacturer. This will reduce the color variation.

2. Begin Installation from Bottom to Top & Left To Right

Every professional roofing crew uses this installation pattern. Installation is professionally installed at the bottom left corner of the roof surface. It is gradually extended towards the right and upwards towards the peak. With this pattern, the shingles will lap well on each other, and it will be hard for severe storms to blow off the roof aside from other benefits.

3. Pay Attention On the Deck

A good roofing system is known by how solidness of the deck of plywood sheathing. Always make sure that the sheathing is in good condition. If you are installing a new sheet material, make sure it is the right one for deck usage. See that the plywood is labeled CDX. This means that it is construction-grade plywood marked for external usage. If you must use OSB, ensure that APA approves it.

4. Install Full Tabs at Rake Edges or Valleys

It is recommended that the tabs over the rake edges be at least four inches wide. For this to happen, use full tabs at valleys or rake edges. Using a full tab or full-size shingles will eliminate nailing close to the centerline.

5. Flash The Seams and Valleys with Care

Roof leaks happen mostly in the valleys where roof planes meet. It could also happen at other roof penetrations or the chimneys. So it is recommended to set up roof flashing carefully in these mentioned areas and other delicate parts. Aluminum flashing is most recommended for asphalt shingles. However, the metal should be about 0.019 inches thick. When working on an old roof where the flashing is already installed, be careful to ensure the flashing is in good condition. If you prefer to be on the safer side, install new flashings instead of relying on old ones.

6. Make Use of Recommended Roofing Nails

There are unique nails for shingles roofing installation. The most recommended nails for roofing projects are corrosion-resistant or galvanized roofing nails. Standard roofing would prefer you check against that area’s local building code requirement. Also, you should make use of the proper nailing technique. A minimum of 4 nailsnails should be used on each asphalt shingle.


There are various hints for roofing installation Plymouth MI. The best thing is to hire a well-trained roofing contractor to handle your roofing projects. Providing standard roofing installation would boost your recommendation and make your client’s roofing system durable.

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