Getting Roof Repair Vs Roof Replacement in Canton Michigan

From time to time things will happen and your home may develop a roof leak. Weather events such as hail storms or high winds can damage the roof. Your roof may have been damaged also by other things such as a wayward baseball or falling branch. Whatever the problem, deciding whether to simply get a roof repair or a full roof replacement in Canton Michigan can be tough. While roof repairs are less expensive sometimes it’s best to opt for a new roof. We’ll take a look at some of the situations which can help to dictate which you may need.

Getting Roof Repair Vs Roof Replacement in Canton Michigan

One of the biggest factors that most people consider is not concerning the roof itself but the price to get the home back to normal. Most roof repairs are inexpensive when compared to a roof replacement. In fact, the average roof repair is less than a thousand dollars while a roof replacement for an average size home can be more than 5 times that. Sometimes however, it’s not just about getting the home protected again and back to normal. You’ll need to consider the longevity of the roof as well. How much more life does the roof have left. Even if you get a roof repair done, how long will it be before I need another? These are some of the questions you’ll need to consider. We’ll take a closer look below.

Canton Mi Roofers

The Age of the Roof

One of the biggest factors that you should consider when deciding whether to get a roof replacement or a small roof repair is the age of the roof. Most roofing materials will last the length of the warranty and not much more. Roofing warranties vary by manufacturer and products but the typical warranty is 15 years. Higher quality roofing may have longer warranties as much as 45 years but they are not as common. If your roofing has already outlasted the warranty period chances are it is on the brink of failure anyway and may need to be replaced.

As roofing materials get older they start to break down. They can become more rigid and break more easily. They will also start to lose adhesion to the roofing below it which can make them more susceptible to damage. While a new roof may be able to withstand 50mph winds an old roof that has started to break down like this may become damaged in a 30mph wind. Typically when an older roof starts needing roof repairs it’s best to get a roof replacement instead.

Roof Contractor Canton Michigan

Type of Damage Present

One thing you’ll need to consider too is the damage that is present on the roof and how it got there. While most weather related problems can be widespread if the roof was damaged by some sort of impact such as tree branch the damage will be more localized. You may have more damage beneath the roofing as well depending on the size of branch. While a baseball may cause roofing damage chances are the damage will only be to the shingles of the home while a large tree branch may affect the home structurally.

Dealing with Insurance Agents and Claims

While most insurance companies are easy to work with there can be sometimes when they only want to cover the bare minimum when your roofing is damaged. Most roofing companies have staff on hand to help with the assessment and claim process of the damages to your home. Before accepting whatever the insurance company offers it’s best to first talk with a reputable roofing contractor to get a quote on the cost to repair the damage. Or else you may need to pay the difference yourself.

Call for a Roof Inspection and Consultation

One of the best things you can do if your roof is damaged is to call a reputable roofing contractor such as Twelve Oaks Roofing. Have an experienced roofer look over the damage to your roof and determine what you should do. While sometimes a small roof repair can be done it may take a roof replacement. But having an experienced roofer provide insight can certainly help. Be sure to call Twelve Oaks Roofing today at 248-525-6950 for a roof inspection on your home.

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