Re-Roof or Repair? Help with Deciding Which One is Right for You

Should you re-roof or repair your roof? This can definitely be a tough decision to make. It can also be a tricky decision to make. For starters, you will need to take a look at the current situation of your roof. You need to look at home much damage there is to the roof and you also need to look at other things such as your budget. In this article, we will take a look at the signs that it’s time to take action with your roof and we will look at whether you should re-roof or repair.

Re-Roof or Repair? Help with Deciding Which One is Right for You

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Signs Your Roof Needs Attention

First, let’s have a look at the signs that your roof needs attention. If you see any of the signs below, you definitely need to contact your roofing contractor. If you don’t have a roofing contractor, you need to do your research and find a great roofing contractor in Michigan you can use. Take a look at these signs that your roof needs attention:

Water Stained Ceilings – If you have water stains on your ceiling, that is a sign that your roof has damage and is leaking. If you are seeing this, it’s a good time to call the roofers in Michigan or find a roofer if you don’t already have one.

Materials Missing or Loose around Chimney and Vents – If you have noticed that the materials around the chimney or vents are loose or missing, you probably need to call a roofing company. This damage can probably be repaired, but the only way to truly know is by calling a roofer.

Damaged Shingles or Tiles – If you can see damaged shingles or tiles from the ground, you need to contact a roofer for further inspection. Having a few damaged shingles or tiles can probably be repaired, but if you are looking at a lot of damage, you might need to consider re-roofing.

Signs of Mold, Mildew or Moisture – If you are seeing signs of mold, mildew, or moisture on your ceiling or in your attic, you may have damage to your roof. This is something you definitely need to have checked out.

Should You Re-Roof or Repair?

Now comes the question of should you re-roof or repair. There are a few factors you need to consider when asking this question and the answer to those questions is what will help you determine whether or not you can repair your roof or if you will have to re-roof your roof. Have a look at these factors:

Budget – Will your budget allow for you to do a re-roof job on your home? If not, you may have to consider simply doing repairs at this time. However, some roofing companies in Michigan offer a finance option and if your roof is real bad, you might be able to finance the re-roofing job. It’s definitely something you should consider if you are looking at a really bad damaged roof.

Repairs Required – When deciding if you should simply repair your roof or do a re-roof, you will need to look at the repairs required. Is it a small section of your roof that needs repairing? If so, you can probably get by with doing a repair to your roof. If the entire roof is damaged, then re-roofing might be a must. Sometimes when there are a few shingles missing, you can have them repaired, but if there are a lot of shingles missing throughout the roof, you probably won’t be able to repair the roof.

The best thing you can do when deciding if you should re-roof or repair is to call your local roofing company in Michigan. Once you find a dependably roofing company, you can ask them to come out and provide you with a roof inspection and then they can discuss your options with you. They will be able to better tell you if the roof can be repaired or if you should go ahead and do a re-roof. If you need help with finding a roofing company in Michigan that you can depend on, take a look at our blog for help. Here at Michigan Roof Pros, we strive to bring you useful information of roofs and finding roofing companies in Michigan.

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