What Are The Common Reasons For Roof Leaks in Trenton Michigan?

If you are experiencing a roof leak on your Trenton Michigan home it can be easy to stress as you rush to get a roofing contractor in Trenton Michigan out to fix the problem. But most roof leaks are caused by a handful of issues. These issues are relatively easy to treat if caught quickly, but can actually be prevented altogether if you know what you are looking for. If you want to prevent roof leaks, rather than just treat them, then it is important to focus on the four major problems that cause them.

What Are The Common Reasons For Roof Leaks in Trenton Michigan?

For many homeowners the thought of checking in on their roofs just isn’t top of mind. Instead, many times it’s only when there is a problem that you’ll consider your roof and the condition it’s in. There are some things that you should look for on your roof that only takes a few minutes each month but can really make a difference. In fact, you can save thousands of dollars if one of these points were to help prevent a roof replacement on your Trenton Michigan home.

What Are The Common Reasons For Roof Leaks in Trenton Michigan?

Debris Build Up

When debris like leaves fall on your roof, it can sometimes require you to manually remove them to get them off. While leaves and branches may not seem like a big deal on your roof, there can be severe consequences if you don’t remove them once you see them. The leaves can retain moisture and allow that moisture to stay in one area of your roof and wear away your shingles to get into your roof. This can not only lead to roof leaks on your home, but also create perfect conditions for mold growth.

While leaves and branches may not seem like a big deal on your roof, there can be severe consequences if you don’t remove them once you see them. Click To Tweet

To prevent leaks from debris it is crucial to remove what you see as quickly as possible. You should always check your roof after strong winds or storms, and use a snow rake to prevent too much snow sitting on your roof at one time. You can also trim nearby trees to cut down on the amount of leaves that can get on your roof.

Clogged Gutters

Gutters are designed to collect the water from your roof and transport it away from your home. But if a gutter is clogged it can cause the moisture to build up and sit on your roof. When the water is allowed to sit you will see your shingles quickly worn down as the water tries to get into your home. Sitting moisture is not only going to cause leaks, but create the ideal conditions for mold to grow and thrive.

You should check your gutters after every storm and at least once every other week. The gutters need to be able to flow freely and you should check and clean them as often as possible to prevent any build up that can both cause leaks, and ruin your gutters. Once your gutters are damaged there can be greater concern for foundation issues as water falls next to your home.

Improper Roofing Shingles Installation

There are many reasons why a professional roofer in Trenton Michigan is necessary for installing your roof. But one of the biggest is that improper installation affects your roof’s ability to fend off moisture and prevent leaks. Shingles that aren’t properly secured, or sheeting that is on too loose can lead to moisture getting in and causing leaks wherever there is an opening.

You should always have a licensed and insured roofing professional install your roof and make sure that your are doing the installation at the proper time. Shingles installed in freezing temperatures can have difficulty properly adhering and can end up cracked or falling off.


Sadly no roof will last forever. As a roof ages the materials used becomes weakened and more prone to cracks and holes. This provides a perfect place for moisture to get in and flow down into your ceiling.

If your roof is over 20 years old it is important to start preparing for a roof replacement. While it is a costly job, it is key to not only prevent leaks, but keep you safe from the elements and weakening materials in your old roof.

Be sure to call the experts at All Point Construction today if you notice a problem on your home’s roof. All Point Construction is a fully licensed and insured roofing contractor that holds endorsements from the largest roofing material manufacturer in North America. Call today at 734-407-7110 to get a free estimate.

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