What Should You Do if You Have a Roof Leak in Canton Michigan During a Storm

During the warmer months of the year there is always a threat to your roofing in Canton Michigan. During warm and humid days it seems like there is always a thunderstorm each evening. And during these severe storms the roof on your home usually takes the brunt of the storm. You may have a great roof and it is able to stand up to these storms but sometimes the weather wins and you may end up with a roof leak. While a roof leak can be problematic it doesn’t need to be a total disaster. In fact, taking a few steps to protect your home can help to minimize the damage tremendously.

What Should You Do if You Have a Roof Leak in Canton Michigan During a Storm

The biggest threat that most storms poses to your roof is the wind. Typically storms with high winds can break roofing materials and cause a roof leak. Other problems such as hail are not as common but can still cause a roof leak. While these problems can damage the roof the water that comes in because of the puncture is what leads to all sorts of problems. Chances are when you have a roof leak on your home it’s not the puncture you notice but the water coming into the home. What’s even worse is that you may not even know where or what part of the roof is leaking. Roof leaks can sometimes be tricky as the water can take a different path that you may realize running down roof trusses. In any case, here are some things you should do when you have  a roof leak on your home.

Roof Contractors Canton MI

Is There a Danger Present?

The first thing you need to determine is just how much danger is present. Lots of water pouring into your home can create a bad situation especially when there are appliances, electrical cords, etc in areas where your family is located. Sometimes large roof leaks can allow water to flow into the home which puddles in the floor which can put these electrical components under water which can be a huge threat for safety. Have an emergency plan in place in case things go horribly wrong during a major storm.

Move Furnishings Away from the Roof Leak

If the roof leak is not very large and you are able to remove items away from the affected area is better. Things such as home furnishings, rugs, and electronics should be moved to another area of the home away from the roof leak. For larger furnishings you can cover with large plastic trash bags to protect them from the water coming in.

Use Pots or Buckets to Catch Water

Using large pots placed under the roof leak can catch the water and you can empty into a bathtub or sink. Being able to trap much of the water before it saturated floor boards can help to prevent further damages caused by the roof leak. And if you live in  a multilevel home you can also protect lower levels of the home by using pots and buckets.

Roofing Contractor Installing a New Roof In Michigan

Does the Roof Leak Require an Emergency Repair?

Sometimes the roof leak is severe enough that it requires an emergency roof repair. During an emergency roof repair, roofers will take plastic barriers and block off the area giving it a temporary repair which protects the home during the storm. Once the storm has passed then a more permanent repair is done on the roof and the temporary barrier is removed.

Should You Attempt to Place a Barrier?

Placing temporary barriers on the roof is extremely dangerous. Even during good weather, roofing work is very dangerous and should only be done by professional roofing contractors. It’s simply not worth the risk to your safety to attempt to place a temporary barrier yourself.

Use a Wet / Dry Vacuum to Remove Excess Water

If you have a wet / dry vacuum you can remove some of the excess water that is present at the roof leak. Be weary of the electrical cord however.

Call a Professional Roofer for Roof Repairs

If you have a roof leak it is always best to use a professional roofing contractor. A professional roofing contractor such as Twelve Oaks Roofing can repair your roof quickly and also offer emergency roof repair services. Call them today at 248-525-6950 to schedule service on your roof.

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