9 Reasons Why Your Roof in Royal Oak Michigan May Be Leaking

Roof leaks on your can be a huge inconvenience. Not only can they damage the home itself but also everything that is in the home is at risk of getting damaged by the water entering home. This includes home furnishings as well as keepsake items such as pictures stored in the attic. There are many different reasons why a roof in Royal Oak Michigan may be leaking and knowing them can help you better protect your roof. If you notice any of the problems we mention in this article happening on your roof be sure to get roof repair Royal Oak Michigan as quickly as possible to stop potential damage from occurring in your home and to your possessions. 

9 Reasons Why Your Roof in Royal Oak Michigan May Be Leaking

One thing I did want to mention in this article is that most of the following items can be seen or noticed from the ground. you should not go onto your home’s roof to inspect the roofing. Always leave roofing inspections to the experts who have proper training and safety equipment.

9 Reasons Why Your Roof in Royal Oak Michigan May Be Leaking

Ventilation of the Roof

The roof on your home needs to have proper ventilation in order to perform as it should. Many times birds and debris will block vents that allow air into the attic to properly ventilate the roof. This can cause the roof to age prematurely and can also cause a build up of humidity in the attic which can lead to mold growth in the home.

Roof Slope

There isn’t much you can do about the slope of your home’s roof but it’s best to be aware of how it affects the roof when there is a roof leak. The lower the slope on your roof in Royal Oak Michigan the longer water stays in each area. So a roof that is pitched more will have less of a chance of having a roof leak occur.

Debris Buildup on the Roof

Leaves and other debris can collect on the roof which can cause problems. As the debris collects it also holds moisture against the roofing surface surface which can cause many problems. Many times this debris will collect in valleys on the roof where the roof is already more susceptible to roof leaks.

Missing Shingles from the Roofing

Storm damage can occur on your home’s roof and cause shingles to go missing from the roof. Once the shingles are broken and blown away from the roof it leaves the roof exposed with very little protection. If you notice missing shingles from your roof in Royal Oak Michigan be sure to get a roof inspection done as quickly as possible as a roof leak is likely imminent.

Flashing of the Roof

Although the roofing surface can cause problems on the roof in Royal Oak Michigan there are other areas which are problematic as well. One area you should be aware of is the flashing on the  roof. Flashing usually wears out faster than roofing shingles so it’s likely a roof leak in that area.

Ridge Cap of the Roof

Like missing shingles on the roof the ridge cap can be damaged by storms as well. This basically allows water to enter the ridge of the roof and cause damage. Missing pieces or ridge vent can also cause problems with ventilation of the roof as well.

Holes in the Roofing Surface

Has an object struck the roof and put a hole in the roofing surface. Items like fallen tree branches and hail can break small holes in the roofing surface which can lead to a roof leak.

Broken Shingles on the Roof

Maybe the roofing shingles don’t have holes in them but they can be broken. Look for shingles on your roof that have flipped over and there usually a dark spot on the roof. This condition is usually caused by higher winds that have damaged the roof.

Age of the Roof

The age of your roof also plays a huge factor in how well it performs. As the roofing surface gets older it becomes weaker and more brittle. Both of these conditions can lead to a roof leak on the home.

Get a Roof Inspection on Your Home Today

Be sure to call Royal Oak Remodeling Contractor today if you suspect there is a problem on your home’s roof at 248-509-8010. They can inspect the roof for problems and if there is a problem on your roof in Royal Oak Michigan they are fully qualified to offer roof repair and roof replacement services to help.

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