What Are The Black Streaks On My Shingle Roof in Plymouth Michigan?

Have your noticed an unsightly black streaks that have been forming on your shingle roofing in Plymouth Michigan? It’s likely algae, and it’s not uncommon on homes with shingle roofing. Many homeowners in Plymouth Michigan see black streaks on their shingle roof and wonder what they are and what can be done about them. We’ll take a closer look at this problem and help you find ways to get your roof back to normal quickly.

Is Moss, Mildew, and Algae Growing on Your Roof?

Algae thrives in warm, moist environments, which is why you’ll see them more often in the spring and summer months. But once it takes hold on your roof, chances are it’s not going anyway no matter the weather.

Removing Algae from Roof in Plymouth MI

Algae growing on your roof can be caused by many factors and the result is a roof that looks like it’s much older than it really is. Black streaks and green spots are common on roofing that has an algae problem. And although it may not cause any immediate damage to the roofing it can over time cause the shingles to break down.

The Effects on Your Home’s Curb Appeal

When your home’s roof has algae present it’s quite noticeable. The roof will have large spots which are discolored and does not look uniform. This can cause the curb appeal on your home to go down tremendously. It can have quite an effect on your home’s value as well. If you’re planning on selling your home in the near future it’s best to take care of the roof algae problem first.

So What Causes Algae to Grow on the Roof?

There can be a number of reasons moss and algae grows on roofs. Poor ventilation, a lack of sunlight, and improper attic insulation are some of the most common causes. If algae is left untreated it will likely spread and get worse over time.

Signs Your Roofing in Plymouth Michigan Needs to Be Replaced

The good news is that there are several ways to take care of the algae problem. Some homeowners in Plymouth Michigan may decide to go with a professional roofer while others may choose to do it themselves.

How to Remove Algae from Your Roof?

There are several ways that you can remove algae from your roofing. One popular method is to use a bleach and water mixture. You’ll want to make sure the roof is completely dry before applying any sealant or coating. Another method is to use a power washer. This is a more aggressive approach and can cause damage to the roofing if not done properly. If you choose to go this route, it’s important to use a low pressure setting.

You can also purchase products specifically designed to kill algae and moss. These can be found at most home improvement stores. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using any of these products.

When you attempt to do any sort of do it yourself algae removal keep in mind that you will likely void the existing warranty on your roofing. Some do it yourself methods of removing algae can lead to more problems than they solve as well such as pressure washing. Improper pressure washing your shingles can absolutely destroy them.

Algae growth on your roof can be unsightly and cause your home’s curb appeal to suffer. But with a little bit of work, you can get rid of the algae and have your roof looking like new again. Be sure to take care of the problem as soon as you notice it so it doesn’t have a chance to spread and get worse.

You May Need a Roof Replacement

In some cases, algae growth can be so severe that a roof replacement is the only option. If you’re algae problem is bad enough it’s best to call in a professional roofer to take a look. They’ll be able to tell you for sure if a replacement is necessary. A new roof is a big investment but in some cases, it’s the only way to solve the problem.

If you have any questions about algae removal or would like a free estimate on roofing services, please contact Home Pros Plymouth today. They’ll be happy to help you get your roof back to normal in no time. Call 734-548-9911 for more details.

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